My Identity – Wednesday Update (7 April 2021) – Star Life

My Identity Update 7 April 2021: starts with Ananya saying I m Ananya Verma, this l girl looks bad to me. Bebe says stop it, you start drama, let her say. Bebe asks Ananya what proof she has. She gives her PAN card. Avni says they are lying to frame me, I m really Ananya, Neil please help me. Bebe asks Neil to check it. He says this PAN card is real. Prakash says maybe two persons are of same name, what is proved by this. Dayaben says listen to her, truth will come out. Ananya says she is Avni, few years back, Avni and her mum came to me. Bebe asks how many years. Ananya says three years ago, her mum said she will give my name to her and her name to me, but I want my name back now, her mum said she will shoot me. Neil says its a good story, can you tell me where you met her.
Dayaben asks her to say. Ananya says Delhi. Prakash says where in Delhi. Ananya asks did I had to say just this or something else, did I do any mistake, I don’t remember dialogues. They get shocked. Bebe says agreed, her mum gave you money, you would be having proof, passbook or account number. Dayaben says I don’t know, you tell them. Ananya says you know everything, why did you not tell me about bank statement, you said about cash.
Bebe says you go back from where you came, I will give you to police, my grandson is in police, Dayaben should not get respect, how dare you come here, you got exposed, did you get greedy to come back here. She asks maid to kick her out. She insults Dayaben.
Dayaben says remember, this girl is a fraud, she will sink everyone. Bebe asks Ananya to go. Avni says leave me alone for some time and goes. Neil asks Avni to let her be. Dayaben falls down. Avni taunts her. She holds Dayaben. Dayaben raises hand. Avni stops her. She says I m not 10 year old girl now, don’t try this, you are foolish to leave me alive, now you have to live in fear and wait for my next attack, don’t do mistake that you have to regret, you said you will shoot at my head, I got your destruction fate written here. She goes Dayaben says time will show whose fate is good.
Bebe says that woman is so ill mannered, you said her son was film director, I read about his illegitimate daughter, his marriage broke, they are such people, I will not let such unlucky people come in my house. Avni hears her. Neil says Bebe said what she has read, don’t feel bad of her words.
Dayaben throws the food plate and says Avni is alive, I wish to give you poison and kill you all. Diksha says food is costly, you are throwing food. Ketan says what will we do now, Avni is Neil’s wife. Neil comes. He asks do you mean to say my wife is your granddaughter, is Ananya Avni, tell me truth. Dayaben says what shall I say. Neil says I know why will you come my home and do drama. Ketan says Neil is smart and understands us. Dayaben says I just wanted to talk to her once, she has erased her name, I did not wish to lose my son.
Diksha says Neil, mum is right, see mum cries by hugging her family pic. She shows Ashish’s pic. Dayaben says Lord knows my heart has no filth, I have accepted Amol and loved him a lot. Diksha says yes, mum can sell us for Amol. Neil says I got cheated, I was feeling Ananya is helping me, and saving me from such marriage, where Riya could not love me. Dayaben says its all past. He says no, I will not let her do injustice with you and my family, I m a policeman, I know how to make a criminal speak out truth, I promise Ananya will be punished for her doings.
Dayaben smiles. Neil says truth wins in the end, justice will happen in this house. He sees Ashish, Aisha and Avni’s pic.
Neela asks Avni not to care for Bebe’s words and celebrate victory. Ananya comes. Neela and everyone look at her. Ananya says Avni….. Neil and Avni say Mitali… and they laugh. Avni and Neela go to get tea. Neil says you should have been in drama company. Mitali says I did this to help you, a qualified police officer helped you. Neil says you always praise yourself. She says you did marriage and did not say, you should have asked me once. She teases Neil. Avni looks on. Neela asks Avni is she jealous, come tea is getting cooled. Neil jokes on Avni. Avni gives them tea. Neela thinks Avni started caring. Neil says our first plan succeeded, we have to be careful, Dayaben is very angry. Mitali says I noticed, Diksha is the weakest link. Avni says I think we should target her, Diksha made Neela way from her dad, its time she gets punished for her deeds, you have tolerated a lot, now its her turn. Ali comes. Avni asks him to meet Mitali, Neil’s friend.
Mitali says no, best friend and holds his hand. Avni looks on and says she helped us a lot. Neela goes to get snacks. Neil says I m hungry. Avni says you just had food. Neil says when I think a lot, I get hungry, so what. Neela says when Avni thinks, her hunger ends. Neil asks Avni to spend more time in thinking. Avni says you mean I look fat He says I did not say this.
Neela says you will look good by losing weight. Avni asks her not to say this. She asks Ali to see how people change with time. Ali says who else can know this better than me. Avni says Ali and I have scared Diksha before, its time to work out our plan. She holds him. Neil looks at them. Mitali says it will be risky. Ali says it will be easy to scare her. Avni says Neil and Mitali have more experience to understand psychology. Neela says I think we should listen to them.Neil saying justice will happen in this house. Dayaben hugs and blesses him. He gets a call and says dad, I m reaching. He says Bebe got unwell, I have to go, don’t worry I will end Ananya Avni game, its my promise. He goes. Dayaben smiles. He collides with Riya and asks how is she. She says I m fine, how are you. He says I m okay. She says sorry, I did not run from marriage because you were not suitable for me, I had my own problems. He says its fine and leaves.
Bebe sees her rashes on face and scolds Shweta. Shweta says why do you always blame me, I did not know you had allergy with peanut also. Prakash says even I did not know. Bebe asks him not to take Shweta’s side. Bebe shouts on Shweta. Avni says Bebe, have lemon tea, its anti allergic. Bebe refuses. Avni says
I swear its good, have it please. Bebe drinks it. Avni says actually, I made the food, its my mistake. Shweta and Prakash look on. Bebe says I feel over goodness from your words, don’t do this for Shweta. Avni says no, I made it. Neil comes and asks Avni to ask Bebe once, how can she be so careless, always mom gets scolded because of you. Avni says I m really sorry Bebe. Bebe says don’t scold her much, its fin, mistakes happen by humans.
Shweta asks am I not human Bebe. Bebe asks her not to ask such thing that person gets hurt hearing answer. Neil says you always scold mom, you don’t say anything to Ananya. He asks Avni what punishment she should get next time. Avni says its too much. Neil says I will decide it, you troubled mum and Bebe, go and make black coffee for us. Avni says sure, I will get hot coffee. She goes.
Dayaben says this girl has habit to snatch your rights. Riya says I remember. Dayaben says this time you gave your fate to her. Riya says no, I know to change this mistake, I will not leave Avni. Dayaben says great, we are Mehtas and don’t know meaning of failure. She thinks now Riya will attack Avni. Riya says I have an idea, enemy’s enemy is a friend, Shweta….
Prakash says Avni took the blame when you made the food. Shweta says did I ask her to do this. He says don’t know what problem you have with her, she is a nice girl. She says no, she is bad. He says Neil started liking her, you also accept her, we should stay as happy family. She coughs. He goes to get water.Shweta says if Neil accepts that girl, I will break his legs. Riya calls Shweta. She apologizes and asks her to be careful of Ananya, she impresses people, Dadi was liking me more than me, even Neil can like her, if you need my help, tell me. Dayaben smiles. Riya says I think how to win Shweta and get Neil back. Dayaben says great. Shweta says I have to make Ananya out, Bebe knows she is not my choice. Prakash gets water. She says no, I m okay. He says strange, what happened to her.
Avni gets coffee for Neil. She throws coffee on Neil. He moves back. Coffee falls on her dress. He says oops you missed it. She runs after him. Zehnaseeb…..plays…. they fall on the bed and have an eyelock. She gets away. He stops her and says wife’s duty is to obey husband’s orders, its written in Shastra. She asks which Shastra. Neil says if coffee falls on wife’s clothes, its husband’s duty to clean it. She asks are you in senses. He holds her close and says no, I don’t want to. She runs out. He runs after her and catches her. He clicks her pic and says look at this, Neela said you are not scared of anyone, her opinion will change now. She gets hurt. They see something hidden under the floor. Neil gets the box. He checks and gets the letter. He checks and says its your dad’s letter for you.
She recalls Ashish. He asks her to read it once. She refuses and says let me go. He asks her to sit, don’t you want to know his story, you don’t suppress emotions, learn to face them, you hate your dad right, just say it. She says there is nothing inside me, let me go. He says no, just get the poison out, please, cry or get anger out on me, beat me, but for once and all, end this. He reads… maybe I was not suitable to become your dad, you were Aisha’s daughter in real senses, thank God you did not go on me. She cries and shouts enough. She pushes Neil and says I hate that man, I don’t care what’s in his heart, where he is, today I m standing alone here, you can’t understand as your dad is not such, he accepted me knowing I married you by cheat, Papa is such who always stand by you, you were ready to accept Riya even after knowing her family, you were ready to join me knowing I m broken, good person is such, and my Papa, I hate him, he was a coward, this letter will not make his mistakes less. She throws letter and says he ruined my mum’s life, I can never forgive him. She cries. He says you are feeling better now right. She nods and says sorry. He asks her to relax and wipes her tears. He says I wanted you to throw all your pain out, I feel we can be friends, no thanks and no sorry in friendship. She says I m not suitable for your friendship. He says I know but I m a great man and will get your friendship. He hugs her.